
This movie had what we wanted from RMN, horrible acting, poor plot, shoddy camera work, pointless sex scene, clowns, and it was overall a terrible movie.
RMN Rating: 7/10

This movie had the potential to be a quality film, which is not what we look for in RMN. The plot is decent and it is well produced. There also is a scene in the film that features Sage Francis' song "Sea Lion" which I recommend you all listen to. Also Jon Bon Jovi stars in the movie,discrediting the film for RMN because of the big name actor rule. This is a decent movie, its not over yet, but it seems pretty good, too good for Random Movie Night.
RMN Rating: 2/10
dude is it bad that i immediately recognized one of the names from GACY lol? Glenn Morshower is a secret service agent named PIERCE in 24 haha