Lupe Fiasco's punk-rock inspired side-project, Japanese Cartoon has finally released their debut album on-line for free. It's been about a year and half since I first heard "Heirplanes" which became a staple among my friends and I at the Rodge during my freshman year. While this project is long overdue, it certainly doesn't disappoint. "Gasp" is fantastic.
Lupe's fake-british accent singing will have to tide fans over for a while, as his completed (since early april) album, Lazers is sitting on the shelves at Atlantic Records (fuck you Atlantic for screwing up Lupe's career and turning B.o.B. is a corny pop star) with no release date in sight.
You can listen to and download the album below:
Japanese Cartoon - In the Jaws of The Lords of Death by Hypetrak
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