Top 10 Best Mustaches:
#10 (a). Br*nd*n C*ffm*n (censored for security purposes)

An understudy of his father, a local legend in facial hair, let his glorious mustache touch the lives of us momentarily. BG misses its wildcard.
#10 (b). **st*n M*ss (censored for security purposes) aka Sir Bo Outlaw

I had to make an edit because of a glaring om ission of long-time BRL follower/bear/mustache donner Bo Outlaw. His mustacheness is definitely in the top-tier of facial hairs that my eyes have ever had the privilege of witnessing.
#9. Richard Pryor

One of the best comedians ever also had one of the best mustaches of all time as well.
#8. Tom Tucker

Easily the best cartoon mustache out there, here's to you, Tom Tucker.
#7. William Taft

I don't know much about his presidency, but he easily is America's best mustached president.
#6. John Stossel

One of my favorite journalists, and I hope for obvious reasons.
#5. Ron Jeremy

Paved the way for the "porn star mustache" look.
#4. Mike Ditka

Coach Ditka, need I say more?
#3. Ron Swanson

BRL's man of the year has a glorious mustache, indeed.
#2. Rollie Fingers

Oakland A's pitcher is truly an inspiration to aspiring mustache growers.
#1. Wilford Brimley

The famous Diabetes commercial guy, has THEE best mustache in the game. You can't Dia-Beat-his mustache, yo.
Honorable Mentions: Borat, John Selleck, Robert Goulet, Poncho Villa, and Albert Einstein
Top 5 WORST Mustaches:
#5. Prince

No one has ever looked so feminine while sporting a mustache.
#4. Michael Jordon

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Taking a page from...
#3. Adolf Hitler

Holocaust, WWII, German cars, but his worst offense? You tell me...
#2. J. Cz*r*k

Shit's weak bro (BG'ers will get that little play on words).
#1. Adam Morrison

Yeah, I'd cry too if my mustache game was that weak.
this post is freaking out, so i will fix it up tomorrow.